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Zephyr OSで遊ぼう その16 - SMP対応の準備、コンテキストスイッチの実装、後編1、RISC-Vのコンテキストスイッチ

目次: Zephyr



RISC-V向け実装において、コンテキストスイッチが行われる条件は2つあります。1つはスリープしたときなどに呼ばれる明示的なコンテキストスイッチです。do_swap() を経由します。もう1つは割り込み発生時に行われるプリエンプションです。

do_swap() -> arch_switch() ラッパー関数 -> z_riscv_switch() -> ecall -> __irq_wrapper -> is_syscall -> reschedule -> no_reschedule -> mret
(任意の場所) -> __irq_wrapper -> is_interrupt -> on_irq_stack -> 割り込みハンドラ(isr_timer() など) -> on_thread_stack -> reschedule -> no_reschedule -> mret


arch_switch() ラッパー関数 -> z_riscv_switch() -> ecall -> __irq_wrapper -> is_syscall

// zephyr/arch/riscv/include/kernel_arch_func.h

static inline void arch_switch(void *switch_to, void **switched_from)
	z_riscv_switch(switch_to, switched_from);

// zephyr/arch/riscv/core/swap.S

 * void z_riscv_switch(void *switch_to, void **switched_from)
SECTION_FUNC(exception.other, z_riscv_switch)

	/* Make a system call to perform context switch */
	ecall    //★例外を発生させる★

	jalr x0, ra

// zephyr/arch/riscv/core/isr.S

 * Handler called upon each exception/interrupt/fault
 * In this architecture, system call (ECALL) is used to perform context
 * switching or IRQ offloading (when enabled).
SECTION_FUNC(exception.entry, __irq_wrapper)
	/* Allocate space on thread stack to save registers */
	addi sp, sp, -__z_arch_esf_t_SIZEOF


	 * Check if exception is the result of an interrupt or not.
	 * (SOC dependent). Following the RISC-V architecture spec, the MSB
	 * of the mcause register is used to indicate whether an exception
	 * is the result of an interrupt or an exception/fault. But for some
	 * SOCs (like pulpino or riscv-qemu), the MSB is never set to indicate
	 * interrupt. Hence, check for interrupt/exception via the __soc_is_irq
	 * function (that needs to be implemented by each SOC). The result is
	 * returned via register a0 (1: interrupt, 0 exception)
	jal ra, __soc_is_irq

	/* If a0 != 0, jump to is_interrupt */
	addi t1, x0, 0
	bnez a0, is_interrupt    //★割り込みの場合はこちらにジャンプする★

	 * If the exception is the result of an ECALL, check whether to
	 * perform a context-switch or an IRQ offload. Otherwise call _Fault
	 * to report the exception.
	csrr t0, mcause
	and t0, t0, t2

	 * If mcause == SOC_MCAUSE_ECALL_EXP, handle system call,
	 * otherwise handle fault
	beq t0, t1, is_syscall    //★ecallの場合はこちらにジャンプする★

	 * Call _Fault to handle exception.
	 * Stack pointer is pointing to a z_arch_esf_t structure, pass it
	 * to _Fault (via register a0).
	 * If _Fault shall return, set return address to no_reschedule
	 * to restore stack.
	addi a0, sp, 0
	la ra, no_reschedule
	tail _Fault    //★いずれでもなければ停止させる★


Zephyr RISC-V向け実装では、割り込み・例外ハンドラは1つだけです。割り込みも例外も全て __irq_wrapperに飛んできますから、最初の方で要因をチェックして仕分けしています。RISC-Vの規格としては割り込み要因ごとに別の割り込みハンドラに飛べる形式(ベクタ形式)もありますが、Zephyrは使っていません。

明示的コンテキストスイッチの実行経路: is_syscall -> reschedule -> no_reschedule -> mret

// zephyr/arch/riscv/core/isr.S

	 * A syscall is the result of an ecall instruction, in which case the
	 * MEPC will contain the address of the ecall instruction.
	 * Increment saved MEPC by 4 to prevent triggering the same ecall
	 * again upon exiting the ISR.
	 * It's safe to always increment by 4, even with compressed
	 * instructions, because the ecall instruction is always 4 bytes.
	RV_OP_LOADREG t0, __z_arch_esf_t_mepc_OFFSET(sp)
	addi t0, t0, 4
	RV_OP_STOREREG t0, __z_arch_esf_t_mepc_OFFSET(sp)


	 * Go to reschedule to handle context-switch
	j reschedule  //★コンテキストスイッチ★




	/* Get reference to _kernel */
	la t0, _kernel

	/* Get pointer to _kernel.current */
	RV_OP_LOADREG t1, _kernel_offset_to_current(t0)

	 * Save callee-saved registers of current thread
	 * prior to handle context-switching
	RV_OP_STOREREG s0, _thread_offset_to_s0(t1)
	RV_OP_STOREREG s1, _thread_offset_to_s1(t1)
	RV_OP_STOREREG s10, _thread_offset_to_s10(t1)
	RV_OP_STOREREG s11, _thread_offset_to_s11(t1)


	 * Save stack pointer of current thread and set the default return value
	 * of z_swap to _k_neg_eagain for the thread.
	RV_OP_STOREREG sp, _thread_offset_to_sp(t1)
	la t2, _k_neg_eagain
	lw t3, 0x00(t2)
	sw t3, _thread_offset_to_swap_return_value(t1)

	/* Get next thread to schedule. */
	RV_OP_LOADREG t1, _kernel_offset_to_ready_q_cache(t0)

	 * Set _kernel.current to new thread loaded in t1
	RV_OP_STOREREG t1, _kernel_offset_to_current(t0)

	/* Switch to new thread stack */
	RV_OP_LOADREG sp, _thread_offset_to_sp(t1)

	/* Restore callee-saved registers of new thread */
	RV_OP_LOADREG s0, _thread_offset_to_s0(t1)
	RV_OP_LOADREG s1, _thread_offset_to_s1(t1)
	RV_OP_LOADREG s10, _thread_offset_to_s10(t1)
	RV_OP_LOADREG s11, _thread_offset_to_s11(t1)




	/* Restore MEPC register */
	RV_OP_LOADREG t0, __z_arch_esf_t_mepc_OFFSET(sp)
	csrw mepc, t0

	/* Restore SOC-specific MSTATUS register */
	RV_OP_LOADREG t0, __z_arch_esf_t_mstatus_OFFSET(sp)
	csrw mstatus, t0


	/* Restore caller-saved registers from thread stack */
	RV_OP_LOADREG ra, __z_arch_esf_t_ra_OFFSET(sp)
	RV_OP_LOADREG gp, __z_arch_esf_t_gp_OFFSET(sp)
	RV_OP_LOADREG tp, __z_arch_esf_t_tp_OFFSET(sp)
	RV_OP_LOADREG t0, __z_arch_esf_t_t0_OFFSET(sp)
	RV_OP_LOADREG a6, __z_arch_esf_t_a6_OFFSET(sp)
	RV_OP_LOADREG a7, __z_arch_esf_t_a7_OFFSET(sp)

	/* Release stack space */
	addi sp, sp, __z_arch_esf_t_SIZEOF

	/* Call SOC_ERET to exit ISR */



編集者:すずき(2023/09/24 12:09)


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