



struct target_hard_regs {
  void finalize ();

  /* The set of registers that actually exist on the current target.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_accessible_reg_set;

  /* The set of registers that should be considered to be register
     operands.  It is a subset of x_accessible_reg_set.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_operand_reg_set;
  /* Indexed by hard register number, contains 1 for registers
     that are fixed use (stack pointer, pc, frame pointer, etc.;.
     These are the registers that cannot be used to allocate
     a pseudo reg whose life does not cross calls.  */
  char x_fixed_regs[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  /* The same info as a HARD_REG_SET.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_fixed_reg_set;

  /* Indexed by hard register number, contains 1 for registers
     that are fixed use or are clobbered by function calls.
     These are the registers that cannot be used to allocate
     a pseudo reg whose life crosses calls.  */
  char x_call_used_regs[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  char x_call_really_used_regs[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  /* The same info as a HARD_REG_SET.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_call_used_reg_set;

  /* Contains registers that are fixed use -- i.e. in fixed_reg_set -- or
     a function value return register or TARGET_STRUCT_VALUE_RTX or
     STATIC_CHAIN_REGNUM.  These are the registers that cannot hold quantities
     across calls even if we are willing to save and restore them.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_call_fixed_reg_set;

  /* Contains registers that are fixed use -- i.e. in fixed_reg_set -- but
     only if they are not merely part of that set because they are global
     regs.  Global regs that are not otherwise fixed can still take part
     in register allocation.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_fixed_nonglobal_reg_set;

  /* Contains 1 for registers that are set or clobbered by calls.  */
  /* ??? Ideally, this would be just call_used_regs plus global_regs, but
     for someone's bright idea to have call_used_regs strictly include
     fixed_regs.  Which leaves us guessing as to the set of fixed_regs
     that are actually preserved.  We know for sure that those associated
     with the local stack frame are safe, but scant others.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_regs_invalidated_by_call;

  /* Call used hard registers which can not be saved because there is no
     insn for this.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_no_caller_save_reg_set;

  /* Table of register numbers in the order in which to try to use them.  */
  int x_reg_alloc_order[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  /* The inverse of reg_alloc_order.  */
  int x_inv_reg_alloc_order[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  /* For each reg class, a HARD_REG_SET saying which registers are in it.  */
  HARD_REG_SET x_reg_class_contents[N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* For each reg class, a boolean saying whether the class contains only
     fixed registers.  */
  bool x_class_only_fixed_regs[N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* For each reg class, number of regs it contains.  */
  unsigned int x_reg_class_size[N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* For each reg class, table listing all the classes contained in it.  */
  enum reg_class x_reg_class_subclasses[N_REG_CLASSES][N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* For each pair of reg classes,
     a largest reg class contained in their union.  */
  enum reg_class x_reg_class_subunion[N_REG_CLASSES][N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* For each pair of reg classes,
     the smallest reg class that contains their union.  */
  enum reg_class x_reg_class_superunion[N_REG_CLASSES][N_REG_CLASSES];

  /* Vector indexed by hardware reg giving its name.  */
  const char *x_reg_names[FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER];

  /* Records which registers can form a particular subreg, with the subreg
     being identified by its outer mode, inner mode and offset.  */
  hash_table <simplifiable_subregs_hasher> *x_simplifiable_subregs;


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Last-modified: 2019-05-17 (金) 17:30:13