





/* In VAR_DECL, PARM_DECL and RESULT_DECL nodes, nonzero means address
   of this is needed.  So it cannot be in a register.
   In a FUNCTION_DECL it has no meaning.
   In LABEL_DECL nodes, it means a goto for this label has been seen
   from a place outside all binding contours that restore stack levels.
   In an artificial SSA_NAME that points to a stack partition with at least
   two variables, it means that at least one variable has TREE_ADDRESSABLE.
   In ..._TYPE nodes, it means that objects of this type must be fully
   addressable.  This means that pieces of this object cannot go into
   register parameters, for example.  If this a function type, this
   means that the value must be returned in memory.
   In CONSTRUCTOR nodes, it means object constructed must be in memory.
   In IDENTIFIER_NODEs, this means that some extern decl for this name
   had its address taken.  That matters for inline functions.
   In a STMT_EXPR, it means we want the result of the enclosed expression.  */
#define TREE_ADDRESSABLE(NODE) ((NODE)->base.addressable_flag)


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Last-modified: 2019-07-08 (月) 23:01:22