*参照元 [#ld0d014f]

*説明 [#b0026233]
-パス: [[linux-4.4.1/include/media/videobuf2-core.h]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**参考 [#i3c90cd1]

-現在のところ、実装は 3つある。

*実装 [#x362f2aa]
  * struct vb2_mem_ops - memory handling/memory allocator operations
  * @alloc:      allocate video memory and, optionally, allocator private data,
  *              return NULL on failure or a pointer to allocator private,
  *              per-buffer data on success; the returned private structure
  *              will then be passed as buf_priv argument to other ops in this
  *              structure. Additional gfp_flags to use when allocating the
  *              are also passed to this operation. These flags are from the
  *              gfp_flags field of vb2_queue.
  * @put:        inform the allocator that the buffer will no longer be used;
  *              usually will result in the allocator freeing the buffer (if
  *              no other users of this buffer are present); the buf_priv
  *              argument is the allocator private per-buffer structure
  *              previously returned from the alloc callback.
  * @get_dmabuf: acquire userspace memory for a hardware operation; used for
  *               DMABUF memory types.
  * @get_userptr: acquire userspace memory for a hardware operation; used for
  *               USERPTR memory types; vaddr is the address passed to the
  *               videobuf layer when queuing a video buffer of USERPTR type;
  *               should return an allocator private per-buffer structure
  *               associated with the buffer on success, NULL on failure;
  *               the returned private structure will then be passed as buf_priv
  *               argument to other ops in this structure.
  * @put_userptr: inform the allocator that a USERPTR buffer will no longer
  *               be used.
  * @attach_dmabuf: attach a shared struct dma_buf for a hardware operation;
  *                 used for DMABUF memory types; alloc_ctx is the alloc context
  *                 dbuf is the shared dma_buf; returns NULL on failure;
  *                 allocator private per-buffer structure on success;
  *                 this needs to be used for further accesses to the buffer.
  * @detach_dmabuf: inform the exporter of the buffer that the current DMABUF
  *                 buffer is no longer used; the buf_priv argument is the
  *                 allocator private per-buffer structure previously returned
  *                 from the attach_dmabuf callback.
  * @map_dmabuf: request for access to the dmabuf from allocator; the allocator
  *              of dmabuf is informed that this driver is going to use the
  *              dmabuf.
  * @unmap_dmabuf: releases access control to the dmabuf - allocator is notified
  *                that this driver is done using the dmabuf for now.
  * @prepare:    called every time the buffer is passed from userspace to the
  *              driver, useful for cache synchronisation, optional.
  * @finish:     called every time the buffer is passed back from the driver
  *              to the userspace, also optional.
  * @vaddr:      return a kernel virtual address to a given memory buffer
  *              associated with the passed private structure or NULL if no
  *              such mapping exists.
  * @cookie:     return allocator specific cookie for a given memory buffer
  *              associated with the passed private structure or NULL if not
  *              available.
  * @num_users:  return the current number of users of a memory buffer;
  *              return 1 if the videobuf layer (or actually the driver using
  *              it) is the only user.
  * @mmap:       setup a userspace mapping for a given memory buffer under
  *              the provided virtual memory region.
  * Required ops for USERPTR types: get_userptr, put_userptr.
  * Required ops for MMAP types: alloc, put, num_users, mmap.
  * Required ops for read/write access types: alloc, put, num_users, vaddr.
  * Required ops for DMABUF types: attach_dmabuf, detach_dmabuf, map_dmabuf,
  *                                unmap_dmabuf.
 struct vb2_mem_ops {
         void            *(*alloc)(void *alloc_ctx, unsigned long size,
                                   enum dma_data_direction dma_dir,
                                   gfp_t gfp_flags);

         void            (*put)(void *buf_priv);
         struct dma_buf *(*get_dmabuf)(void *buf_priv, unsigned long flags);

         void            *(*get_userptr)(void *alloc_ctx, unsigned long vaddr,
                                         unsigned long size,
                                         enum dma_data_direction dma_dir);
         void            (*put_userptr)(void *buf_priv);
         void            (*prepare)(void *buf_priv);
         void            (*finish)(void *buf_priv);
         void            *(*attach_dmabuf)(void *alloc_ctx, struct dma_buf *dbuf,
                                           unsigned long size,
                                           enum dma_data_direction dma_dir);
         void            (*detach_dmabuf)(void *buf_priv);
         int             (*map_dmabuf)(void *buf_priv);
         void            (*unmap_dmabuf)(void *buf_priv);
         void            *(*vaddr)(void *buf_priv);
         void            *(*cookie)(void *buf_priv);
         unsigned int    (*num_users)(void *buf_priv);
         int             (*mmap)(void *buf_priv, struct vm_area_struct *vma);


*コメント [#a006e2bf]

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