*参照元 [#l96c70d5]

*説明 [#w9e27dc3]
-パス: [[linux-4.4.1/kernel/irq/manage.c]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**引数 [#h1e2b356]
-unsigned int irq
-irq_handler_t handler
-unsigned long flags
-const char *name
-void *dev_id

**返り値 [#h1557bf0]

**参考 [#q6b61479]

*実装 [#e02a2266]
  *      request_any_context_irq - allocate an interrupt line
  *      @irq: Interrupt line to allocate
  *      @handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs.
  *                Threaded handler for threaded interrupts.
  *      @flags: Interrupt type flags
  *      @name: An ascii name for the claiming device
  *      @dev_id: A cookie passed back to the handler function
  *      This call allocates interrupt resources and enables the
  *      interrupt line and IRQ handling. It selects either a
  *      hardirq or threaded handling method depending on the
  *      context.
  *      On failure, it returns a negative value. On success,
  *      it returns either IRQC_IS_HARDIRQ or IRQC_IS_NESTED.
 int request_any_context_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,
                             unsigned long flags, const char *name, void *dev_id)
         struct irq_desc *desc = irq_to_desc(irq);
         int ret;

         if (!desc)
                 return -EINVAL;
         if (irq_settings_is_nested_thread(desc)) {

                 ret = request_threaded_irq(irq, NULL, handler,
                                            flags, name, dev_id);
                 return !ret ? IRQC_IS_NESTED : ret;

         ret = request_irq(irq, handler, flags, name, dev_id);
         return !ret ? IRQC_IS_HARDIRQ : ret;


*コメント [#n27db53d]

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