*参照元 [#n12b2c17]

*説明 [#n6d20c71]
-パス: [[linux-4.4.1/drivers/staging/android/ion/ion_cma_heap.c]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**引数 [#z3974cb5]
-struct ion_platform_heap *data

**返り値 [#t0e257d5]
-struct ion_heap *

**参考 [#yec5c7c2]

*実装 [#z33f0ae0]
 struct ion_heap *ion_cma_heap_create(struct ion_platform_heap *data)
 	struct ion_cma_heap *cma_heap;

 	cma_heap = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ion_cma_heap), GFP_KERNEL);
 	if (!cma_heap)
 		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);

 	cma_heap->heap.ops = &ion_cma_ops;

 	 * get device from private heaps data, later it will be
 	 * used to make the link with reserved CMA memory
 	cma_heap->dev = data->priv;
 	cma_heap->heap.type = ION_HEAP_TYPE_DMA;
 	return &cma_heap->heap;


*コメント [#d0425c99]

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