*参照元 [#v3891446]

*説明 [#y0029635]
-パス: [[linux-4.4.1/drivers/staging/android/ion/ion.c]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**参考 [#rb2a4582]

*実装 [#s3d0fc6a]
  * struct ion_client - a process/hw block local address space
  * @node:               node in the tree of all clients
  * @dev:                backpointer to ion device
  * @handles:            an rb tree of all the handles in this client
  * @idr:                an idr space for allocating handle ids
  * @lock:               lock protecting the tree of handles
  * @name:               used for debugging
  * @display_name:       used for debugging (unique version of @name)
  * @display_serial:     used for debugging (to make display_name unique)
  * @task:               used for debugging
  * A client represents a list of buffers this client may access.
  * The mutex stored here is used to protect both handles tree
  * as well as the handles themselves, and should be held while modifying either.
 struct ion_client {
         struct rb_node node;
         struct ion_device *dev;
         struct rb_root handles;

         struct idr idr;
         struct mutex lock;

         const char *name;
         char *display_name;
         int display_serial;
         struct task_struct *task;
         pid_t pid;

         struct dentry *debug_root;


*コメント [#s5d8e363]

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