*参照元 [#va18c07c]

*説明 [#gb5202d0]
-パス: [[gcc-8.3/gcc/genrecog.c]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**参考 [#bf2b49c6]

*実装 [#t42a3c39]
 /* Describes a possible successful return from a routine.  */
 struct acceptance_type
   /* The type of routine we're returning from.  */
   routine_type type : 16;

   /* True if this structure only really represents a partial match,
      and if we must call a subroutine of type TYPE to complete the match.
      In this case we'll call the subroutine and, if it succeeds, return
      whatever the subroutine returned.
      False if this structure presents a full match.  */
   unsigned int partial_p : 1;
     /* If PARTIAL_P, this is the number of the subroutine to call.  */
     int subroutine_id;
     /* Valid if !PARTIAL_P.  */
       /* The identifier of the matching pattern.  For SUBPATTERNs this
 	 value belongs to an ad-hoc routine-specific enum.  For the
 	 others it's the number of an .md file pattern.  */
       int code;
 	/* For RECOG, the number of clobbers that must be added to the
 	   pattern in order for it to match CODE.  */
 	int num_clobbers;
 	/* For PEEPHOLE2, the number of additional instructions that were
 	   included in the optimization.  */
 	int match_len;
       } u;
     } full;
   } u;

*コメント [#ue05b9e5]

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