*参照元 [#de08ebab]

*説明 [#ue7cc603]
-パス: 複数あり
--CONFIG_SMP 有効: [[linux-4.4.1/mm/vmstat.c]]
--CONFIG_SMP 無効: [[linux-4.4.1/include/linux/vmstat.h]]

-FIXME: これは何?

**引数 [#yc94b9fb]
-struct zone *zone
-enum zone_stat_item item
-long delta

**返り値 [#c6bfde61]

**参考 [#n86d9604]

*実装 [#cdeb543d]
**CONFIG_SMP 有効: linux-4.4.1/mm/vmstat.c [#zc637581]
  * For use when we know that interrupts are disabled,
  * or when we know that preemption is disabled and that
  * particular counter cannot be updated from interrupt context.
 void __mod_zone_page_state(struct zone *zone, enum zone_stat_item item,
 			   long delta)
 	struct per_cpu_pageset __percpu *pcp = zone->pageset;
 	s8 __percpu *p = pcp->vm_stat_diff + item;
 	long x;
 	long t;

 	x = delta + __this_cpu_read(*p);
 	t = __this_cpu_read(pcp->stat_threshold);

 	if (unlikely(x > t || x < -t)) {
 		zone_page_state_add(x, zone, item);
 		x = 0;
 	__this_cpu_write(*p, x);


**CONFIG_SMP 無効: linux-4.4.1/include/linux/vmstat.h [#n036125b]
  * We do not maintain differentials in a single processor configuration.
  * The functions directly modify the zone and global counters.
 static inline void __mod_zone_page_state(struct zone *zone,
 			enum zone_stat_item item, long delta)
 	zone_page_state_add(delta, zone, item);


*コメント [#o278c751]

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