*参照元 [#a5e1e0ac]

*説明 [#z516ea87]
-パス: [[linux-2.6.33/kernel/workqueue.c]]


**引数 [#c5feef5d]
-struct work_struct *work

**返り値 [#mf60102d]
--仕事をキューに追加した場合は 1、
キューに追加しなかった場合は 0(既にキューに追加されているなど)

**参考 [#s619c6c5]

*実装 [#w171b37e]
  * schedule_work - put work task in global workqueue
  * @work: job to be done
  * Returns zero if @work was already on the kernel-global workqueue and
  * non-zero otherwise.
  * This puts a job in the kernel-global workqueue if it was not already
  * queued and leaves it in the same position on the kernel-global
  * workqueue otherwise.
 int schedule_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	return queue_work(keventd_wq, work);


*コメント [#i4c59d76]

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