*参照元 [#qcc844e8]

*説明 [#j634fea7]
-パス: [[linux-2.6.33/kernel/spinlock.c]]


**引数 [#oc33a864]
--例えば hogehoge を指定した場合、下記 4種類の関数が定義される。
--例えば hogehoge を指定した場合、定義された関数は hogehoge_t * を引数に取る。

**返り値 [#za2dd540]

**参考 [#x4bd377f]
-BUILD_LOCK_OPS() マクロで定義されている関数一覧。

*実装 [#p4c34b71]
  * We build the __lock_function inlines here. They are too large for
  * inlining all over the place, but here is only one user per function
  * which embedds them into the calling _lock_function below.
  * This could be a long-held lock. We both prepare to spin for a long
  * time (making _this_ CPU preemptable if possible), and we also signal
  * towards that other CPU that it should break the lock ASAP.
 #define BUILD_LOCK_OPS(op, locktype)					\
 void __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock(locktype##_t *lock)			\
 {									\
 	for (;;) {							\
 		preempt_disable();					\
 		if (likely(do_raw_##op##_trylock(lock)))		\
 			break;						\
 		preempt_enable();					\
 		if (!(lock)->break_lock)				\
 			(lock)->break_lock = 1;				\
 		while (!raw_##op##_can_lock(lock) && (lock)->break_lock)\
 			arch_##op##_relax(&lock->raw_lock);		\
 	}								\
 	(lock)->break_lock = 0;						\
 }									\
 unsigned long __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock_irqsave(locktype##_t *lock)	\
 {									\
 	unsigned long flags;						\
 	for (;;) {							\
 		preempt_disable();					\
 		local_irq_save(flags);					\
 		if (likely(do_raw_##op##_trylock(lock)))		\
 			break;						\
 		local_irq_restore(flags);				\
 		preempt_enable();					\
 		if (!(lock)->break_lock)				\
 			(lock)->break_lock = 1;				\
 		while (!raw_##op##_can_lock(lock) && (lock)->break_lock)\
 			arch_##op##_relax(&lock->raw_lock);		\
 	}								\
 	(lock)->break_lock = 0;						\
 	return flags;							\
 }									\
 void __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock_irq(locktype##_t *lock)		\
 {									\
 	_raw_##op##_lock_irqsave(lock);					\
 }									\
 void __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock_bh(locktype##_t *lock)		\
 {									\
 	unsigned long flags;						\
 	/*							*/	\
 	/* Careful: we must exclude softirqs too, hence the	*/	\
 	/* irq-disabling. We use the generic preemption-aware	*/	\
 	/* function:						*/	\
 	/**/								\
 	flags = _raw_##op##_lock_irqsave(lock);				\
 	local_bh_disable();						\
 	local_irq_restore(flags);					\
 }									\

*コメント [#r6a9ae67]

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